Zhamal & Lars' Wedding at Danish Seamen's Church & Raffles Hotel East India Room + All Performances, + Weddings, SQ - Weddings, String Quartet
Andrew's Wedding at Lawn & Casuarina Suite, Raffles Hotel + All Performances, + Weddings, SQ - Weddings, String Quartet
Hanusya's Wedding at Palm Ballroom, Raffles Hotel + All Performances, + Weddings, SQ - Weddings, String Quartet
Joshua & Qiu Mei's Wedding at Raffles Hotel + All Performances, + Weddings, SQ - Weddings, String Quartet
Cynthia & Krish's Wedding at Tiffin Room, Raffles Hotel + All Performances, + Weddings, VCD - Weddings, Violin & Cello Duo
Alex's Wedding at Lawn & East India Room, Raffles Hotel + All Performances, + Weddings, SQ - Weddings, String Quartet
Yulin & Celine's Wedding at Raffles Hotel, Palm Ballroom + All Performances, + Weddings, SQ - Weddings, String Quartet
Accor Hotel's Staff Party at Raffles Hotel + All Performances, + Corporate Events, Reception and Dinner, SQ - Corporate, String Quartet
Edric & Zia's Wedding at The Lawn & The Palm Garden, Raffles Hotel + All Performances, + Weddings, VD - Weddings, Violin Duo