Community Event at Tampines Changkat

Community Event at Tampines Changkat

Date: 12 November 2016
Venue: 124 Tampines Street 11
Client: Tampines Changkat Zone 5 RC, Tampines Town Council
GOH: Mr Desmond Choo – MP for Tampines GRC and Adviser to Tampines Changkat GRLS

Yes, the residents were in awe as this is the first time that they have a string performance at their event. Overall it has been a very nice experience and where the residents enjoyed the music. Most importantly it helped to draw the crowd to the event.

Thanks once again for providing fine arts to our heartlands and I look forward to the next event when I will have the opportunity to engage your team once again.

Suzana Ahmad PBM
Tampines Changkat Zone 5 RC

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